Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentines Day: Hearts, Cupids, Love And A Word From The Boss

Valentines Day is here soon. (In two days as I write this)

Here is this Holiday's  history from

If you are like me you are now repeating a thought-loop: Don't forget to order those roses. And on those roses there is always either (on that small Heart-splattered card) or on one of those  metallic (Frequently heart-shaped) balloons, at least one Cupid.

And it goes without saying that Valentines day cards themselves are crammed with Cupids and Hearts.

Ten theories on why all the Hearts from ListServe here.

And as for the chubby cherub? Holiday Insights has a great overview on Cupid here.

Valentines Day is a holiday that celebrates Love of course but a very special kind of Love-Eros.

From Snipview here is a diagram of the Greek Types of Love:

In the realm of this kind of Romantic Love there are many theories on how it works:
Here are how five different Psychologists look at it.

And to top off this post on Valentines Day, A special Heart-warming Message from everybody's favorite Boss From Hell: Nightmare Boss:

Happy Valentines Day!
Paul Parducci

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